Mission Statement

Vision Statement from Christ’s Great Commandment

- Matthew 22:37-40: “Love the Lord Your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength”

- BCC shall be a Worshiping Church "Love your neighbor as yourself"

- BCC shall be a Serving Church: Mission Statement from Christ’s Great Commission

- Matthew 28:16-20: “Go into all the world preaching the Gospel to all nations”

- BCC shall be an Evangelizing Church

“Baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit”

-BCC shall be a Fellowshipping Church

“Teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you”

- BCC shall be a Disciple-making Church

Click on items below to learn more about our policies:

Marriage Policy

BCC's Policy of Grace AND TRUTH

Statement of Faith

Jesus is God in a Human Body

New Membership Pledge

If you would like more information about becoming a member of the Brighton Community Church or if you are interested in being baptised please contact Rick Zickefoose.

BCC’s Ten Major Changes Since 1840

1839-Silas and Edna Washburn invited Methodist Episcopal Pastor Rev Crill to conduct Church services in their home on the west side of town. From those services came the Brighton Congregationalist Church (dissolved 1904) and “Brighton Methodist Episcopal Church in 1840-41.

1842- the Brighton Methodist Episcopal Church helped build Brighton’s first schoolhouse and worshiped there for 14 years until with 275 members they outgrew the school.

1856- The Brighton Methodist Episcopal Church rented a building on the east side of town and met there for 37 years.

1893-The Brighton Methodist Episcopal Congregation built its first Chapel on the same lot as our present building at 101 S Mechanic St.

1939- The Brighton Methodist Episcopal Congregation merged with the Methodist Denomination and became “Brighton Methodist Church.

1962- The Brighton Methodist congregation dedicated the building we presently meet in.

1968- the Brighton Methodist Congregation joined the merger between various smaller Methodist Denominations and the Evangelical United Brethren Denomination into the “United Methodist Church”

1978- the Brighton United Methodist Congregation and the Brighton First Presbyterian Congregation “yoked” together and began alternating attendance between each location monthly.

1983- the Brighton United Methodist Congregation and the Brighton Presbyterian Congregation merged into the “Brighton United Church”

2018- In 2014 the Brighton United Church members voted unanimously to become an independent, locally governed congregation, and on Sunday, November 18, 2018, they celebrated their reincorporation as the “Brighton Community Church” with all properties free and clear.